Preserve your precious sleep routine when it’s time to transition.
As soon as your baby starts showing signs of trying to roll, you must transition them to 'arms-free' sleep. Love to Dream™ Transition Bags can help to ease this adjustment, enabling you to zip off one 'wing' to start with (for a few sleep cycles), until your baby is ready to sleep with both arms out.
The Swaddle Up™ Hip Harness Transition Bag has been designed especially for babies who are being treated for Hip Dysplasia
Made with luxurious bamboo fabric, the Swaddle Up™ Bamboo is dreamily soft.
Why Swaddle Up™?
Babies often use their hands to settle themselves to sleep, either by sucking on their fingers or gently rubbing their cheeks. Medical research has shown that these self-soothing instincts can result in better sleep, for longer.
Unlike traditional swaddles, the design of Love to Dream's Swaddle Up™ supports the natural sleep position of babies who like to have their Arms Up™ – enabling true Self-Soothing™, while still calming the startle reflex with the garment's snug, swaddle fit.
The Swaddle Up™ requires no complicated wrapping, so everyone can swaddle right, every time. The twin zipper also makes night-time nappy changing a breeze, with easy accessibility from the bottom zip. Then for feeding time, simply unzip from just the top to allow baby to use their hands.
When to wash:
How to wash/dry:
Sizing (by baby's weight)
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